Axenjo Film - Landing Page
The page starts off with a massive cookie consent banner that takes up way too much space—it's like the gatekeeper you never asked for. The background image does give off a serene vibe, but it almost drowns in the sheer volume of the cookie consent text. There's a navigation bar up top, but good luck getting to it with that banner in your face. The middle section tries to articulate what they offer but doesn't get the point across quickly enough before the cookie chaos. Their use of recognizable logos is a smart move; however, it's overshadowed by the distraction of the pop-up, making it easy to miss. The footer design is packed with information but feels cluttered, partly redeeming itself through its informative nature like social media links. Overall, it feels like the page is prioritizing informing you of their cookie policy rather than showing what they actually do, which is quite counterproductive.